Since the time when this project was last updated (2014), many things have changed in the world and we are assisting to a dramatic increase in the number of the refugees trying to get through Europe doors, that meanwhile are becoming smaller and smaller.
I'm very well aware that our european society is faced with new, difficult challenges but with this project I would still like to dream about Europe as an open land that can be home for those who are looking for a better life as well as for those who are running away from the war.
"I’m a person who takes very serious all the assigned tasks, I always try to find better ways to work and I am a quality focus person, for me is very important to make thinks as better as possible."

Why did you move abroad? Why in Berlin?
I got here with my girlfriend, we were in Costa Rica (my homeland) where she spent a bit more than 3 years, she had to come back here to study and we decided to move together. She is from Berlin, that's what brought me to this city.
Is there any characteristic, you can identify as peculiar of your country, you miss?
I would say that I miss how people interact with each other; people are too open and too friendly.
If you look back at your life in your country, do you see improvement that justify your moving abroad? Or, do you see improvement chances?
Yes, I think the contact with this many cultures and languages here in Berlin is something that you don't find in much places and for sure it opens your mind and make you more tolerant.
Do you feel integrated in the German society? In the Berliner one?
In the Berlin one for sure, I wouldn't say the same for the German one, as I haven’t lived immersed in a German environment, meaning that here in Berlin many of my friends and people I interact on the daily basis with, are either non Germans or Germans that have traveled and lived in other countries, so they speak either Spanish or English and are very open to other cultures adapting their way to behave.
What does the work represent and mean to you?
Somehow work is not only a part of your life but also something that you need to do in order to be able to survive, that because of the fact that working is the supposed thing to do in order to get the money needed to survive in our system. With that said I think we should seek to work in something that we like, either if it is working for someone or creating and commercializing our own goods or arts.
What does this specific job mean to you?
First, based on the unemployment stats, having the opportunity to work in this city is itself a privilege; on top of that in my case I would say it’s a great opportunity to be part of a company, where beside of your normal role they give you the opportunity to come up with ideas and develop them. Also based on my experience working in customer service I got to say that the conditions as customer service agent in this company are very good.
Has anything changed of your approach to work since you work in a Call Center?
I think work values are still the same for me.
Gustavo was born and grown up in Heredia, Costa Rica where he lived till 5 years ago when he moved to Berlin, where he is currently stable enough settled, also for the advantage of contacts with people from countries whose language, as Italian or Portuguese, he would like to learn and improve.
Gustavo has an informatics background, and in the same company, besides Customer Service tasks, he is is often involved in IT projects.