Since the time when this project was last updated (2014), many things have changed in the world and we are assisting to a dramatic increase in the number of the refugees trying to get through Europe doors, that meanwhile are becoming smaller and smaller.
I'm very well aware that our european society is faced with new, difficult challenges but with this project I would still like to dream about Europe as an open land that can be home for those who are looking for a better life as well as for those who are running away from the war.
"I’m not planning to go back. Germany is my second mother-country or even third (as I was born in Tajikistan).Here I have my friends, my job, a place where I can live. Step by step I used to this culture and mentality. I’ m integrated to this country. Of course some things I can’t accept but I try always to understand it. "

Why did you move abroad? Why in Berlin?
I wanted always to try something new: to see new culture, to meet new people and to improve my language skills. But I could not imagine that I would stay in Germany for a such long period. I think now I can say that Germany is my second home country. I moved to Berlin only because of the job. Actually, I don’t like big cities and I find south of Germany more romantic and nicer.
Is there any characteristic, you can identify as peculiar of your country, you miss?
I miss openness, hospitality and a little bit craziness in people. I miss that people don’t think a lot about the further future and they can live now, this special day that is today. I miss the nature: huge soft-wood forest and fields. I miss our products, especially milk products.
If you look back at your life in your country, do you see improvement that justify your moving abroad? Or, do you see improvement chances?
I finished my studies here. It was the most important thing for me. I’m now more self-confident and independent person. I became more flexible. I hope I will improve my career situation.
Do you feel integrated in the German society? In the Berliner one?
I feel myself integrated in the German society but not in the Berliner one. I need time to get used to it, to discover and understand it.
What does the work represent and mean to you?
Work is a self realization. It is not only a mean to earn money and a mean to realize your potential. That is why if you are unhappy with your job you are unhappy in your life.
What does this specific job mean to you?
This job gives me “food”, opportunity to travel and I met a lot of amazing people.
Has anything changed of your approach to work since you work in a Call Center?
I gained certain useful experience working in Call Center, especial how to communicate with the people in stress situations. To work as a team, to help each other or to say if something wrong.
Alena is born in a small town close to Minsk. Seven years ago she moved to Germany where she first worked as au pair, then she studied Linguistic in Mainz and in January 2013 moved to Berlin.